"The Affordable, Fun and Effective Way to Learn to Dance"


Are you interested in meeting people, getting connected, and learning how to dance, all in one "step?" Then come join us for our Beginner and Experienced Dancers Ballroom Dance Classes or our Ballroom Dance Practice Parties, Formals, and Fundraisers.

►I'm new:   Choose from our list of Community Locations a location that is convenient for you.
Then enroll in the next Ballroom 1 Class series

Our beginner group series class is designed for first time dancers.  Worry free- you will be taught everything you need to know to join us on the dance floor. The beginner class curriculum includes: waltz, foxtrot, rumba, and swing.  The dance instruction is formatted to progress the students' level of dance. Lessons are taught by a nationally certified instructor. Partners are not required as we rotate partners throughout the class. Singles and couples are welcome!

 Community Updates

 Community Locations

Below are some highlights of upcoming events, however this page is not always kept current.  Please join our mailing list to be notified when updates are available.  Also check the Practice Party page for the future party dates, check the location page for the new series schedules, or the calendar.  We also post on Facebook.

2 Lessons!  Newcomer and TBA

Newcomer class by Don Edmiston

2 Lessons!  Newcomer and TBA

2 Lessons!  Newcomer and TBA

Class 2, last chance to join us for Ballroom 1 Sold out!

Newcomer?    Never ballroom danced before or need a refresher of the basics?  We host an intro lesson with paid admission at the start of many Practice Parties.   Join us at the next Practice Party and look for "Newcomer" lesson.  If you want to learn more, enroll in one of our Ballroom 1 series classes. Select the location nearest you.

We have several community locations in the Atlanta Metro Area to choose from - each with group lessons:

Future locations are pending.  If you would like to host at your church, please contact us

Join our email list to be notified of updates

The Ballroom Dance Community serves to develop friendships and relatedness, promotes health and fitness, and reaches out to a diverse group of Atlantans by introducing them to the possibilities of Ballroom Dance and of being valued as a community member through quality and fun dance instruction, entertaining social dance events, and community building service projects. We have the largest Ballroom Dance Program in Atlanta and are continuing to build new communities throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area.  Come join us!

© Copyright BallroomDanceCommunity. All Rights Reserved.