Overview of Ballroom Dance Classes
Ballroom Dance Community Lessons are offered as group classes. Classes are organized in a set of 7 classes that meet once per week called a series. Each series is organized to progress the student's level of dance. Once the student completes a series, he can then advance to the next level. Each level builds on the previous level. Enrollment is for the entire series (drop-ins are not permitted). Once a series is in progress, new students are no longer accepted into that series.* Students are encouraged to start at the beginning with Ballroom 1.
In order to manage class size and partnerships in a class, we request that you enroll on-line for the location that you are interested in attending. There is no charge to enroll on-line. It is simply our free reservation system. If you have trouble enrolling on-line, please send an email on the contact us page . If you need to make changes to your enrollment (ie cancel), please send an email to update your enrollment.
Series are offered about 4 times throughout the year.
Join the email list on the contact us page to be notified of dates when the next series will commence.
We hope you will join us for our Ballroom Dance Lessons. This is your chance to improve your Ballroom Dancing, have fun, and meet new dancers.
Note to Newcomers: To see if ballroom dancing is for you, we hope you will try our 7 class Ballroom 1 class. Even if you don't continue after the seven classes, you will be amazed at how much material you learn in the first beginner level series. We have folks that completed the Ballroom 1 series and used those routines they learned for several years. After a few year hiatus, they then decided they wanted to learn more and came back. We hope it doesn't take you years to get hooked on the joy of dance, but know that you will have skills after completing just the Ballroom 1 series to get you on the dance floor. If seven classes is too much of a commitment, then attend one of our Practice Parties where we also provide a newcomer lesson.
Level Descriptions
Ballroom 1
Our beginner group series class is designed for first time dancers. Worry free- you will be taught everything you need to know to join us on the dance floor.
The beginner class curriculum includes: waltz, foxtrot, rumba, and swing.
The dance instruction is formatted to progress the students level of dance. Lessons are taught by a nationally certified instructor. It is best if you have a partner but not necessary as we rotate partners throughout the class (singles and couples are welcome).
Series will last one hour including 10 minutes of dance community news, curriculum and calendar updates. The lesson will include a 20 minute practice session with music and coaching. All students will be encouraged to participate in dance community events such as Christmas formal and various practice parties and workshops.
Ballroom 2, 3 and 4
A continuation of the curriculum from the previous level (waltz, foxtrot, rumba and swing). Must have completed the preceding level before progressing to the next level or have had other similar training with approval of instructor.
We encourage students to repeat any of the Level 1 through 4 classes as they are a great review of the basic material. Repeats of Ballroom 1-3 classes are only 1/2 price. Repeating a class is an awesome way to improve your Ballroom Dancing at a great savings! Repeating also gives you an opportunity to keep dancing when your schedule is hectic and you can't attend an entire series. At this deep discount, you'll keep enrolling just to be able to continue participating in the practice sessions. This is a great value to keep you on the dance floor practicing your Ballroom dancing.
Intermediate Curriculum (Ballroom 3 or 4 is the prerequisite)
After completing Ballroom 4, it is best to take Beginner Tango and/or Beginner Cha cha as soon as possible. Then you can move on to the other intermediate level single dances:
Beginner Tango
Beginner Cha cha
Tango/Cha Cha 1 (combination of Beginner Tango and Beginner Cha cha - not offered at all locations)
Tango 2 - prerequisite - Beginner Tango or Tango/Cha cha 1
Cha cha 2 - prerequisite - Beginner Cha cha or Tango/Cha cha 1
Tango/Cha cha 2 (combination of Tango 2 and Beginner Cha cha 2 - not offered at all locations)
Wonderful Waltz - a review of the waltz routine from Ballroom 3 or 4 and new social dance patterns and techniques put together in a fun routine.
Fabulous Foxtrot - a review of the foxtrot routine from Ballroom 3 or 4 and new social dance patterns and techniques put together in a fun routine.
Simply Swing -- a review of the swing routine from Ballroom 3 or 4 and new social dance patterns and techniques put together in a fun routine.
Romantic Rumba - a review of the rumba routine from Ballroom 3 or 4 and new social dance patterns and techniques put together in a fun routine.
Rhythm Style and Technique - prerequisite - Beginner Cha cha, Simply Swing and Romantic Rumba. Class focuses on rhythm technique and styling - Cuban motion, advanced turns and proper footwork and arm styling using basic routines.
Smooth Style and Technique - prerequisite - Beginner Tango, Wonderful Waltz and Fabulous Foxtrot. Class focuses on partnership, dance styling, movement and footwork necessary to begin advanced levels of ballroom dance.
Beginner Viennese Waltz 1 and 2 – An advanced dance that is fast, flowing and fun. You must complete Ballroom 4 and Wonderful Waltz before you take this class. It is best if you have had Smooth Style and Technique.
From time to time we may offer a variety of other Beginner Specialty Dance Classes like West Coast Swing, Salsa, Samba and Bolero. We also occasionally offer intermediate levels of the Specialty Dances like More Salsa, More West Coast Swing, etc.
Becoming a good dancer
Ballroom dancing is one of the most effective fitness activities. Dancing not only has a mental component to learning, there is the physical acuity required to dance at higher levels. Students typically need to repeat classes in order to develop muscles and balance. Students are encouraged to enhance their dance skills by attending Practice Parties, Practice Times, Specialty classes, and personal practice. Additionally we offer a deep discount (up to 50% off) in the Ballroom 1-3 curriculum to encourage students to repeat those classes for a solid grasp of the fundamentals. As you advance in your Ballroom dance skills, repeating a lower level will have new meaning. Your muscles are working hard and review of a class will reveal a new level of understanding and capability. You will be amazed at the new insights you gain when you repeat a class, it won't feel like repeating since each pass of the class your dancing will be at a higher level and the new perspective of this higher level will reveal to you new opportunities for improvement. You can treat it like attending an exercise class. Each time you take an exercise class you are able to achieve higher levels of performance.
All levels are not available at all locations. Not all series have 7 classes or scheduled on consecutive weeks. Check the class details on the location's webpage or the calendar to see actual dates of classes. Website is not fully automated so some discrepancies occur. Please be sure to check both detail, calendar and home page banner.
*Students are admitted into a series up to class two. Other exceptions are made for advanced students depending on circumstances, be sure to let your host know or send an email.