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Pollicy OGUMC


after reading Guidelines below, click here: I understand these guidelines and would like to enroll.

Guidelines on Payment & Attendance

Payment for the series will be collected in full at the start of the first class
Cash or check (payable to OGUMC in full). Some classes fill up quickly and others don't reach their
minimum, so reservations via on-line enrollment are required in advance
to help plan sessions and determine interest. (no pre-payment during the on-line registration

If paying by check, Please make
checks payable to Oak Grove United Methodist Church (OGUMC).

Missed classes / No Makeups:  Regular
attendance is requested both for the progress of the individual student
and for the work of the class as a whole.  However, it
is expected that folks can’t attend every session, so the classes
designed with lots of review and there is the additional practice
format built into the schedule to keep the class on track. There are no make-up classes. Dance
events (parties, workshops, etc) function separately and cannot be
counted as a make-up for a series class.  Attendance
at an alternate location or alternate series is
not permitted. Payment for a series entitles the
student to 7 classes for the specific series on the designated dates.  Please do not drop in to alternate sessions.    

Exceptions:  Refunds: 
have expenses and request that you make every effort to honor your
commitment to the group. Groups that have the minimum enrollment depend
upon each participant to cover the cost of hosting the class.
Refunds will
not be provided after the second week of class. This community group is
self supporting and requires a minimum of students in order to support a
class.  Classes will be rescheduled if minimum
enrollment cannot be met during the first two sessions.  Joining
a session late will not be prorated since extra effort is required to
bring the student on board to the level of the rest of the class from
the missed sessions. Students are not encouraged to join after missing
several classes unless we are trying to achieve gender balance in which
case an exception can be considered for first-timers.  We
are trying to build a community and your participation with your group
is important, we regret that missed classes are not refundable.  Registration is not transferable.  If
the student is not able to attend, he/she cannot send a replacement.  

No Class cancellations:
In the event that the teacher must
unexpectedly miss a class, every attempt will be made to find a
replacement.  If a suitable replacement cannot be
contracted at the late notice, the group will still convene as a
practice session (you will get to practice dance!) and a reimbursement
(for students who participate in the practice session) will be
determined if a make-up cannot be scheduled.  In
the event the church facility closes, class will be cancelled.  However, if the facility closes during the daytime
session, it may still re-open in the evening. Be sure to check back with
the facility.  Only if the facility is closed at
the time of the group session will the class be cancelled.  Also, you
can check your email.  Last minute notices are sent via email.

Video taping, audio taping, cell phone recording
or any other medium of capturing the instructors or class is

A Partnership as defined by the ISTC
standards will be adhered to in class.  As part of the social and
educational benefits, partners agree to rotate in class.
Classes are
not for spectators.  On occasion, students invite an out of town guest
to observe a single session
during their out of town stay and this is acceptable with permission of a
host or instructor.

Participation at your own risk:
As with any physical program, please consult your doctor before participating in

I understand these
guidelines and would like to enroll